DC Students is a place for middle and high school students to grow in their relationship with Christ and others. This is also a place where students will feel valued, loved, and comfortable in the gifts that God has given them. DC students will strive to live by Proverbs 27:17 which states, “As iron sharpens iron, So one person sharpens another” (NASB). Although this will be a place for fun and games, most importantly it will be a place of practical and spiritual growth that allows them to support one another and the community.

DC Students meets on Sundays from 4pm to 6pm

Want to get connected to DC Students?

Join us Sundays @ 9AM or 10:30AM

**Please note: Nursery is available in both Worship Experiences. DC Kids is available in the 10:30AM Worship Experience only.

Our Sunday service is a casual environment where you, your family, and your friends will feel welcome.
The worship music is contemporary and Christ-centered, and the messages are Biblically-based, relevant, and applicable.
Arrive early, enjoy a cup of coffee, and meet some new friends.

We look forward to meeting you and worshiping our God with you!